Curriculum Intent
at St Anne’s Primary School
At St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, we pride ourselves in offering children a creative and exciting curriculum, which is rich, broad and balanced, reflecting the distinctly Catholic nature of the school, and promoting our Mission Statement, School Values and Aims. St Anne’s Catholic Primary is a safe and nurturing Catholic community that aims to develop each child’s emotional, social and academic skills to ensure they succeed.
We aim to give the children the best possible education, foster a love of learning and develop academic and social skills in a safe, supportive and caring environment, where individuals are valued.
During your children’s time with us, we aim to foster a love of learning, a natural curiosity and a thirst for knowledge and we want to encourage all children to…
The curriculum we provide meets fully the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum in England for KS1 and the EYFS curriculum in Foundation Stage and also the requirement to teach Religious Education as directed by Shrewsbury Diocese as a Voluntary Aided Catholic Primary School.
We want all of our children to be confident, happy, inquisitive learners and aim to do so by placing great emphasis on equipping children with essential skills, that help to support their personal development and learning across all subjects.
At St Anne’s Catholic Primary, every child will have an entitlement to benefit from teaching of the highest quality and to that end, we have established an effective pedagogy criteria, which outlines how we bring our teaching and learning to live in all lessons across the school
When designing our curriculums we have ensured the following:
Carefully sequenced, progressive steps of learning
Reading is prioritised
Checks for understanding built in so that children and teachers can assess progress during lessons
Key concepts are revisited in other subjects to allow over learning
Our curriculum embraces equality and diversity
Core Principles of Our Curriculum
We want all our children to strive to ‘Be their Best Self’s’ through following our 5Rs and these are embedded in our curriculum.
1. Reflects the distinctive Catholic nature of our school – teaching children to show respect to all and placing our faith at the heart of all our learning.
2. Relevant, inspiring and engaging for all our children, enhanced by first hand experiences encouraging children to take responsibility for their learning.
3. Aim to foster a love of learning, a natural curiosity, a thirst for knowledge and equip them with the skills and passion to become lifelong learners and reliable citizens.
4. Consistent quality of teaching and learning that is challenging, with high expectations and supports children in developing their resilience.
5. Builds on prior knowledge and experiences, allowing opportunities for expansion and progression over their school years and encouraging pupils to reflect on their learning.