School Uniform
at St Anne’s Primary School
Attendance Matters - Every school day counts!
The smart appearance of our children is a reflection of the high standards we expect in all areas at St Anne’s. We, therefore, expect all children to wear the correct school uniform. Our uniform policy has been written in conjunction with the Government Guidance on school uniforms which can be found here below.

All children will be expected to come to school wearing the correct school uniform;
Grey skirt or trousers/shorts
White or blue polo top
Royal blue jumper
Black shoes or plain black trainers
No false nails or makeup, only small stud earrings allowed, sensible schools coats

P.E Kit
Black/grey or navy jogging bottoms, shorts or leggings.
White/blue polo top/t-shirt
Trainers or pumps
Black/grey or navy hoodie or jumper
No earrings or jewellery
Children can come into school on their PE days wearing their kits. If they have a club after school please bring PE kit in to change into at the end of the day.