Welcome to F2
at St Anne’s Primary School

Early Years Foundation Stage Lead:

Mrs A Jones

Foundation Stage Teachers: 

F2 – Mrs A Jones & Mrs C Lyon

Foundation Stage Teaching Assistants: 

F2 – Ms M Ballard 

EYFS (PM): Miss C Brady

Welcome back to Summer 2

We hope you have all enjoyed a lovely two weeks off. As we start our final term in F2 we are looking forward to celebrating all that the children have learnt this year alongside supporting them as they get ready to transition into Year 1 in September - we will be sad to see them go but know they are nearly ready for their next step in their learning journey!

The children astounded us last half term with their writing and they thoroughly enjoyed all the learning that came alongside our book ‘The Woolly Bear Caterpillar’. Watching our caterpillars grow into beautiful butterflies, which we released into the wild, was amazing to watch and we know the children learnt so much from this live life cycle! This contributed to so much of the EYFS curriculum and enabled the children to have a deeper, first hand learning experience!

This half term our Literacy books will be ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’ a interesting book by Sarah Roberts and ‘Naughty Bus’ an unusual book by Jan & Jerry Oke. These books will explore the topic of journey’s and environments. In Maths we will look at shapes and patterns, sharing and will continue to further develop of numbers to 20. Our phonics sessions will continue daily and we will begin Phase 4 of our phonics learning. The children will be learning new tricky words, please practise these frequently with your child as this will really help them with fluency when reading.

We will continue to send some activities for the children to do at home. These will be posted on Class Dojo so please make sure you check it regularly. This is our main way of communicating messages and further information regarding workshops and key dates are also posted on here. Two important dates for Summer 2 are our F2 Sport’s Day Stay and Play which takes place on Thursday 13th June at 9.15am (weather permitting) and our class trip to ‘Farmer Ted’s’, this is to enhance our UW learning this half term, this will take place on Tuesday 18th June. Further details will be sent out on Class Dojo and payment information for the trip will be via parent app.

Reading days have changed and you will have received a message on Class dojo regarding the specific day your child will need to bring their book in on. Reading is key to all learning and we would encourage you all to share books daily with your children alongside listening to them read. Developing a love of reading from an early age is essential for every child. We will continue to change the children’s books on their reading day, this is in addition to daily guided reading sessions that your child has in school.

A few quick reminders - PE Day is Wednesday, please ensure your child comes to school wearing their School PE Kit and pumps or trainers, the children will need a jacket or hoodie on top of their t-shirt please. Children also need to bring a coat every day - we do go out come rain or shine. Can all children please bring in a water bottle each day.

As always our door is always open, please get in touch if you have any questions.

Thank you for your continued support!

Mrs Jones, Mrs Lyon & Miss Ballard