Year 1 Welcome

Welcome to Year 1
at St Anne’s Primary School

Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to the Year 1 class page. We are so happy to be back for the Spring 2 term and cannot wait to get started. We have lots planned and exciting learning opportunities during the next 6 weeks. Let’s get going!

For English this term, we will be studying a poetry unit for the first couple of weeks. Children will focus on Sea Songs and learn songs including ‘When I was One’ and ‘A Sailor went to Sea’. Children will learn to build vocabulary and list rhyming words. They will learn what onomatopoeia is and repetition and work collaboratively with each other to create some role play and perform poems they have learned by heart. To conclude, children will use all their knowledge from the first couple of weeks and create their own sea poem.

Children will move on to their writing unit and their next text ‘The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth’ by Ellie Hattie. Children will enter a magical world where dinosaurs and knights have come to life! Its midnight in the museum and there’s a mammoth on the loose. Can Oscar catch him before the witching hour is up?

During our new exciting text, children will have the opportunity to learn about prehistoric creatures and how they became extinct, they be able to ask questions about these amazing animals and they will create fact files. Furthermore, children will study some of the images from inside the museum and write descriptive sentences describing what they can see. They will then follow the journey of Teddy the baby mammoth and use connectives like first, next, then and finally. Children will also have the opportunity to write in the first person and become Oscar the mammoth! They will write a short diary explaining that Teddy had ran away. They will create missing posters with partners and put them around school. To finish our unit, children will write their own adventure story where they will change the character and setting.

For maths this term, children will learn lots of new techniques which will help them combine numbers together up to 20. Children will recap about part whole models to add and subtract and even create their own using some practical resources. Children will move on and learn how we write number sentences using the correct mathematical symbols including + - and =. Number bonds to 20 will quickly follow in which children will learn songs and find lots of different ways to create 20. Children will also learn about doubles and near doubles, finishing off with fact families. In year 1 we get involved in active maths lessons in which we will take our maths outside come rain or shine!

In science, our topic this term will be ‘Plants’. During this unit, children will start their first lesson by learning about seeds. They will have the opportunity to plant their own seeds and observe the changes their plant makes over the next 4 weeks. They will take pictures and record the changes. Children will learn how to identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants. They will learn the basic structure of plants, draw their own and label them. Furthermore, children will learn what deciduous trees and evergreen trees are. They will take a walk around the surrounding areas of school to observe these trees and complete some observational drawings. Throughout our topic, children will learn how to work more scientifically and how to become a St Anne’s Scientist!

Things to remember

Our PE days will continue to be on a TUESDAY. Children need to come into school wearing their correct PE uniform.

Please make sure your child brings their book bag in every day.

Their reading book will then be changed every Friday.

Children also need to bring a labelled water bottle to school each day.

Miss Roberts and Miss Baker x