Year 1 Welcome

Welcome to Year 1
at St Anne’s Primary School

Welcome to Year 1

Welcome back! I hope you all had a fantastic Easter and Spring break! We are ready for Summer 1 and are so excited to have you back, we can’t wait to get started with our learning.

For English this term, we will be studying the text ‘Toys in Space’ by Mini Grey. This story follows a group of toys that have been left out in the garden during the night. The toys go on a journey to space and find lots of interesting things along the way! During our learning of this beautiful story, children will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in drama and role-play, write short sentences and short stories. They will also use their previous knowledge of adjectives by describing characters and writing about them using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Furthermore, children will write from the viewpoint of the toys by writing in the first person. To finish the unit, children will build on their knowledge by writing a fantasy story about some toys who are taken on a spaceship. Children will have the opportunity to change the characters to their own.

For maths this term, we will focus on multiplication. Children will learn how to count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Children will complete lots of activities and use songs to support them. For the last couple of weeks, we will move onto fractions in which children will learn how to recognise a half and a quarter then find halves and quarters too. This will be very practical for the children and involve using concreate resources and cutting and gluing. During the summer term, children will also learn to solve problem and reason when answering questions. Children will also have the opportunity to be involved in active maths lessons in which we will take our maths outside come rain or shine!

In science, our topic this term will be ‘Identifying plants’ in which children will be identifying a variety of different plants and flowers. Children will learn about the parts of a plant and label them. They will also have the opportunity to work scientifically by planting their own plants and watching them grow. They will study them over a few weeks and record any data.

In geography, children will be learning about the seven continents and where they are in the world. Children will study different countries and learn what continent they are in. They will explore the landmarks, people and features.

In DT, our topic this term is eating more fruit and veg. Here, children will create their own fruit/vegetable salad by examining and tasting various foods to put in their creations! Furthermore, children will learn how to safety prepare fruits and vegetables and how to correctly use the right tools to cut and chop their foods.

In PE, children will be developing their movements and gross motor skills doing athletics. Here, children will learn about travelling, climbing, jumping and running. Children will also learn how to catch using balls and bean bags.

Things to remember

Our PE days will continue to be on a TUESDAY. Children need to come into school wearing their correct PE uniform.

Please make sure your child brings their book bag in every day as we will be reading with your child throughout the week. Their reading book will then be changed every Friday.

Children also need to bring a labelled water bottle to school each day.

Miss Roberts and Mrs Keenan x