Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to Year 2
at St Anne’s Primary School

Welcome to the final term of year 2!

We are very excited to be entering our last term in year 2 and preparing to be year 3 ready!

Please keep up with your reading, spelling and maths on our fantastic apps to make the learning in the classroom that little bit easier!

For our English this half term we will be focusing on the book, Grandad’s Secret Giant. Children will learn everything they need to know about how to write a story. We will be focusing on developing and applying everything we have learnt so far with a strong focus on writing in the past and present tense, use of subordination (when, if that, because) and co-ordination (or, and, but), using expanded noun phrases and adding suffixes to spelling longer words.

For our Maths lessons, we will be focusing on statistics. We will be looking at tally charts, bar diagrams and pictograms. Following this we will be recaping everything we have learnt this year. This will include looking at addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, through this we will also be looking at more complex problem solving.

In history, we will be exploring seaside holidays now and in the past. We will be looking at what is a seaside holiday before comparing it to holidays in the past. We will look at why seaside holidays were only for the wealthy and look at life during the Victorian era.

In science, we will be looking at growth and survival. We will be learning about repoduction and growth in animals including humans. We will be considering how the environment can affect their changes of thriving and survival.

In art we will be looking at the artist Henri Rousseau. Children will focus on the life and works of Henri Rousseau, finding about his life as an early artist and the techniques he used.

In PE, children will be practicing their movement skills through games.

Things to remember

Our PE days will be on a Monday. Children need to come into school wearing their correct PE uniform.

Please make sure your child brings their book bag in each day so their book can be changed. We will be reading with your child throughout the week.

Children need to bring a labelled water bottle in each day.