Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to Year 2
at St Anne’s Primary School
For our Maths lessons, we will be focusing on multiplication and division. We will be learning the 2x, 5x, 10x tables and looking at their representations with arrays.
We will then me moving on to measure - length and height. Through this we will learn about cm and metres before comparing and sorting them.
We will be starting this half term with a focus on poetry. We will be exploring ‘Zebra Question’ nby Shel Silverstein. Children will learn to make adventurous word choices or nouns, adjectives and verbs to describe observations and will structure language patters with some simple repetition.
We will then continue our writing with the book ‘Major Glad, Major Dizzy’ by Jan Oke. This story looks at the lives of two toys stuck under the floorboard watching life change through the decades.
Children will write their a recount in the form of a diary including the following features:
Use progressive form of verbs in the present and past tense
use present and past tenses correctly and consistently
Use subordination - because, when, that
Use punctuation including an apostrophe for the progressive
In geography, we will be learning about London. We will look at famous landmarks in London and how to navigate the city.
In science, we will be looking at plant. We will be looking at what plants need to survive and how each plant has different needs. We will also have the opportunity to grow our own plants for us to bring home to share with you!
In art, we will be looking at self-portraits. Through this we will look at different mediums to create a self portrait.
In PE, children will be learning games. This will look at us developing our throwing, catching, kicking and striking skills.
Things to remember
Our PE days will be on a Thursday. Children need to come into school wearing their correct PE uniform.
Please make sure your child brings their book bag in each day so their book can be changed. We will be reading with your child throughout the week.
Children need to bring a labelled water bottle in each day.