Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to Year 2
at St Anne’s Primary School

Happy New Year! We are very excited to see you back and hear all about your time off!

We have lots of exciting things planned for you all to enjoy.

Keep up with your reading, spellings and timestables to help make this half term a little easier.

For our English this half term we will be focusing on the book, The Dragon Machine. Children will learn everything they need to know to write a story with a change of the main character. We will be focusing on the use of different setence forms: statements, questions, exclamations and commands and the appropriate punctuation: exclamation marks and question marks. We will also continue to develop our use of subordination, introducing ‘when’, and using present and past tense consistently.

For our Maths lessons, we will be focusing on measurement - money. We will be revisiting the values of coins and looking at how we can count coins and notes. We will be looking at various different ways to create amounts and how to calculate change. Keep using numbots and times table rockstars to help support learning in the classroom.

In history, we will be learning about our local area with a focus on Port Sunlight. Children will be learning the history about Port Sunlight and how it was built. We will be investigating the importance of the soap works and how the history of washing clothes has developed in Port Sunlight.

In science, we will be looking at living things and thier habitats. This topic will involve the children investigating the habitats of animals with a partiular focus on micro-habitats. Children will have the opportunity to search micro-habitats, recording the living things found there.

In DT we will be creating our own vehicles. During this children will learn about the importance of wheels, axles and chassis before designing, making and evaluating their own vehical.

In PE, children will be learning dance.

Things to remember

Our PE days will be on a Thursday. Children need to come into school wearing their correct PE uniform.

Please make sure your child brings their book bag in each day so their book can be changed. We will be reading with your child throughout the week.

Children need to bring a labelled water bottle in each day.