Welcome to Year 3
at St Anne’s Primary School
Welcome to Year 3!
Hello and welcome back to Y3! We hope you enjoyed your half term and are ready to continue growing your brains and learning lots of new things together!
In our English lessons this half term we will be learning all about the book ‘Winter’s Child’ which will allow us to think about the season of winter and create some fantastic writing about it. Our reading text is ‘Ice Palace’ which is an exciting adventure story searching for a missing boy. Reading is super important and we will also have a daily class reader and want you to read at home daily too if you can.
Our focus in Maths will be addition and subtraction looking at formal methods and beginning to exchange and regroup. Lots of facts to recap and methods to learn to let you find the best ways to find the answers.
In RE we will be looking at the topic Prophecy & Promise learning all about what happens at mass and thinking about the events that lead up to the Christmas story.
For Art this term we will be exploring patterns.
For our first Geography topic we will be learning all about our local area.
In our Science lessons we are learning about forces and magnets. We will be investigating and exploring different magnetic forces and how they react with each other.
In PE we will be building on our gymnastic knowledge expanding our vocabulary and floor work as well as using equipment.
Music we will be listening and learning ‘Mingulay’ which is a boat song and then we will be exploring Sound Symmetry.
On a Friday you will have Spanish lessons so you will be continuing to learn a whole new language and learn lots of new vocabulary using songs and games.
Don’t forget to keep your brains busy at home by accessing all the fantastic online resources we’ve got.
There are buttons at the bottom of this page that you can click to take you straight to TTRS, EdShed, Google Classroom and more.
We can’t wait to continue your Y3 journey
with you!
Love Mrs Leeson, Mrs Thomas & Mrs Ford
Important class information
PE day is Friday- remember to come into school in correct kit, white or blue polo/t-shirt, black, blue or grey shorts, joggers or leggings and a black or blue jumper with trainers.
Please bring your reading books in every day