Welcome to Year 3
at St Anne’s Primary School

Welcome to Year 3!

Well we are officially half way through our Year 3 journey together!

We can’t wait to do even more learning and exciting things as we continue into 2025!

In our English and reading lessons this half term we will be reading both ‘The Big Blue Whale’ and ‘This Morning I Met a Whale’ by Michael Morpurgo. We will be exploring features of information texts, learning various facts about the oceans and marine animals.

Our focus in Maths will begin with length and measurement learning about metres, centimetres and millimetres then we will be moving onto fractions! Focusing on adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominators.

In RE this half term our topic is Desert to Garden in which we will be thinking about the events that lead up to Easter. Focusing on what happens in Holy Week from The Last Supper to Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

For Art this term we will be studying Lowry, studying his work and recreating some of his pieces ourselves. We will be growing our computing brains by continuing working on Code Studio for programming and we will be learning about the internet and networks. As scientists we will be studying Plants. In PE we will be learning how to play cricket! Building our skills of striking, throwing and positioning.  For Geography our topic is ‘Our European Neighbours’ we will be learning about various countries, naming capital cities as well as identifying human and physical features of different European countries.

Don’t forget to keep your brains busy at home by accessing all the fantastic online resources we’ve got. Every member of Y3 has a login for IDLS which has both English and Maths activities that are fantastic at supporting and helping your learning- please make sure you use these at home as well as at school.

There are buttons at the bottom of this page that you can click to take you straight to TTRS, EdShed, Google Classroom and more.

We can’t wait to continue your Y3 journey

with you!

Love Mrs Leeson, Mrs Thomas & Mrs Ford



Important class information

PE day is Friday- remember to come into school in correct kit, white or blue polo/t-shirt, black, blue or grey shorts, joggers or leggings and a black or blue jumper with trainers.

Please bring your reading books in every day