Welcome to Year 5
at St Anne’s Primary School

Hello and welcome to Year 5.

Teacher - Miss Dobson

Student Teacher - Miss Bradford

Support Assistant - Mrs Gough

In Writing this half term, we will be exploring the book Radiant Child: The story of young artist Jean-Michel Basquiat and learning to:

  • Use relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that or an omitted relative pronoun.

  • Use adverbs to indicate degrees of possibility

  • Use a wider range of devices to build cohesion across paragraphs

  • Link ideas using tense choices

Our writing outcome is to create an information leaflet about Jean Michel-Basquiat.

In our shared reading sessions, we will be exploring African Tales: A barefoot collection. We will be focusing on evaluating
language choice this half term, whilst looking at vocabulary, inference and retrieval. We will apply knowledge and skills
from last half term to unpick key vocabulary and explaining our opinions with evidence from the text.

In Maths, we will be refreshing our place value knowledge. We will be revisiting numbers to a million, comparing and ordering numbers to a million and partitioning numbers to a million. We will then move on to revise addition and subtraction, focusing on layout of a formal method and exploring problem solving and reasoning questions.

WTL - Other Faiths

History - Ancient Greece

Art - Frida Kahlo

Science - Scientists

Computing - Selection of Quizzes

Important class information

PE day is MONDAY.

Remember to come into school in correct kit - white or blue polo/t-shirt, black, blue or grey shorts, joggers or leggings and a black or blue jumper with trainers.

Please make sure your child brings their book bag in every day as we will be reading with your child during calm and connect and throughout the week.