Welcome to Year 5
at St Anne’s Primary School
Hello and welcome to Year 5.
Teacher - Miss Dobson
Support Assistant - Mrs Gough
In Writing, we will be exploring The Lost Happy Endings.
Children will investigate the mystery of the stolen happy endings, linking clues identified with known fairy tales and characters. Children will look at the author’s use of language to portray the character of the witch. Within their narratives, children will focus on:
Use expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely.
Describe settings, characters and atmosphere
Integrate dialogue to convey character and advance the action
Use of inverted commas and other punctuation to punctuate direct speech.
In maths, Year 5 will begin by focusing on NUMBER (Multiplication and division)
Children will continue their number focus, moving onto looking at multiplication and division. They will learn the difference between multiples and factors, how to locate these and apply them to problems. Children will explore why numbers are square and cube and what they look like.
Towards the end of Autumn 2, children will begin their fractions journey. We will revisit the terms ‘unit’ and ‘non-unit fractions’, simple equivalent fractions before moving onto applying this into complex problems.
In RE, Year 5 will explore God’s Covenant
Other subjects
Science: Forces PE: Gymnastics DT: Great British Dishes Spanish: Feelings
Geography: The UK Computing: iMovie Music:
Within RE, children will explore the difference between a covenant and a contract. Children will explore the covenant God made with Abraham and reflect on the covenant God made with Noah. Children will investigate how the Israelites felt when Moses helped to free them and the commandments God sent to Earth. Also, children will reflect on the New Covenant God sent and what our part is.
Important class information
PE day is on a Monday.
White or blue polo/t-shirt, black, blue or grey shorts, joggers or leggings and a black or blue jumper with trainers
Please make sure your child brings their book bag in every day as we will be reading with your child during calm and connect and throughout the week.