Welcome to Year 5
at St Anne’s Primary School

Hello and welcome to Year 5.

Teacher - Miss Dobson

Support Assistant - Mrs Gough

In Writing, we will be exploring Poetry and The Darkest Dark

To begin with, children will explore refugee poetry. We will exploring ‘The British’ by Benjamin Zephaniah and ‘Refugee’ by Brian Bilston. Children will explore the language features, poetic features before creating their own poem.

The Darkest Dark tells the true story of how Chris Hadfield conquered his childhood fear of the dark after watching the Apollo 11 moon landing, thus paving the way for his own journey to become an astronaut. Children will produce a biography about Chris Hadfield including the following features:

  • Variety of verb forms used correctly and consistently

  • Use commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity in writing

  • Link ideas across paragraphs using adverbials and tense choices

  • Use brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis

In maths, Year 5 will begin by focusing on NUMBER (Fractions)

Children will continue their number focus, looking at fractions. We will be multiplying unit and non-unit fractions then finding fractions of a quantity.

Towards the end of Spring 2, children will revisit decimals and percentages from Year 4. We will be exploring decimals up to 3 decimal places, equivalent decimals and fractions, rounding decimals then applying all of this to finding equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.

In RE, Year 5 will explore Reconciliation

Other subjects

Science: Life Cycles Geography: South America PE: Linking across actions - Cricket

Computing: Database Spanish: My House Music: Building a groove Art: Leonardo da Vinci

Within RE, children will explore how all actions have consequences and what consequences should we face for our actions. We will reflect on the meaning of forgiveness and how forgiveness can be shown. Also, children will explore the meaning of sin, how it impact the person and those around the. We will explore all of this in the parable of the Lost Son, before focusing on the sacrament of reconciliation and where this comes in our Catholic journey.

Important class information

PE day is on a Monday.

  • White or blue polo/t-shirt, black, blue or grey shorts, joggers or leggings and a black or blue jumper with trainers

Please make sure your child brings their book bag in every day as we will be reading with your child during calm and connect and throughout the week.