Welcome to Year 5
at St Anne’s Primary School
Hello and welcome to Year 5.
Teacher - Miss Dobson
Support Assistant - Mrs Gough
In Writing, we will be exploring Arthur and the Golden rope.
A fantastic version of a Norse myth that falls between a picture book for older readers and a graphic novel, this is a promising start to an attractive adventure series. In order to create their own myth, we will be focusing on the following writing features:
Use expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely
Use relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that or an omitted relative pronoun
Link ideas across paragraphs using adverbials
Use commas to clarify meaning and avoid ambiguity in writing
In maths, Year 5 will begin by focusing on NUMBER (Fractions)
Children will continue their number focus, continuing to look at fractions. They will add and subtract fractions with different denominators, then moving onto adding and subtracting mixed numbers. To consolidate fractions, children will apply their knowledge to a range of problem solving and reasoning questions.
Then, children will move onto multiplication and division. We will begin by revisiting Y4 of multiplying by a 1-digit number. Before moving onto multiplying; 2-digit by 2-digit, 3-digit by 2-digit and 4-digit by 2-digit.
We will explore multiplication through place value counters, white rose hub digital tools and multiplication squares.
In RE, Year 5 will explore Inspirational People.
Other subjects
Science: Properties of materials History: Crime and punishment Computing: coding PE: Gymnastics
Spanish: Family members Music: Kisne Banaaya (A song from India and Pakistan) DT: Funky furnishings
Within RE, children will explore what it means to be an inspirational person. They will reflect on Jesus’ mission, explore Beatitudes and how they can help us to be true followers of Jesus. Children will reflect on what we can learn from Fr. Arrupe and what is means to be a saint.
Important class information
PE day is on a Monday.
White or blue polo/t-shirt, black, blue or grey shorts, joggers or leggings and a black or blue jumper with trainers
Please make sure your child brings their book bag in every day as we will be reading with your child during calm and connect and throughout the week.