Welcome to Year 6
at St Anne’s Primary School

Welcome to Year 6!
Teacher - Mr Jenner - djenner@stannes.wirral.sch.uk
TA - Miss J Stock
The children in Year 6 class have a great curiosity and a readiness to learn.
They are always kind, always ready and always safe.
We are excited for all of our topics this year and we feel very lucky to be able to share their final year here at St Anne’s Primary with them.
English - Spr 2 - Journalistic Report on Darwin’s Journey
This term, we will be drawing inspiration from Island by Jason Chin, a captivating account of Charles Darwin’s journey to the Galápagos Islands and his revolutionary discoveries. Our focus will be on crafting detailed and engaging journalistic reports while refining key writing techniques and grammar skills, including:
Using passive verbs to maintain an objective and formal tone.
Employing a variety of verb forms correctly and consistently, including progressive and present perfect forms, to accurately convey time and action.
Using semi-colons and colons to mark boundaries between independent clauses, improving clarity and sophistication.
Applying organisational and presentational devices to structure reports effectively, ensuring coherence and engagement.
By developing these skills, we will create well-structured, polished reports that vividly document Darwin’s journey and the groundbreaking discoveries that shaped our understanding of evolution.
Spelling - Spr 2 - Spellings will be issued weekly, based on patterns the children have learned on the Monday. These need to be practised throughout the week.
There are also additonal spelling patterns I would like the children to revise if possible, these are found here:
Maths - Spr 2 - We will continue to follow the White Rose scheme of work curriculum overview. Wer will also begin some more setailed SATs revision on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s with Mrs Mole and Miss Stock. This half term we will be addressing:
fractions, decimals and percentages - equivalents, percantge and fraction of number & use of the 4 operations with decimals.
Area, volume and perimeter - with squares, triangles and uncommon shapes
Statistics - graphs and tables - reading and interpreting information.
Other topics
History - Our focus will be on the Victorian era.
How did the Industrial Revolution transform daily life in Victorian Britain?
What were the living and working conditions for children during the Victorian era?
In what ways did Victorian inventions and innovations shape the modern world?
Computing - Data & Information – Introduction to spreadsheets
PE - Ball Games - Every Monday with Mr Barnes. Please ensure we have appropriate clothing for indoor or outdoor sport due to the weather.
RE - Explore the Mass
Know that Jesus is the bread of life.
Understand that Jesus makes a New Covenant with us.
Understand the Penitential Act and the Liturgy of the Word.
Understand what happens at the Offertory.
Know what happens at the Consecration.
Know that it is Jesus we receive in Holy Communion.
Understand that the Eucharist is the source and summit of life.
Know that Jesus is present in the Blessed Sacrament.
Science - Humans and Living Things
How can we classify living organisms into distinct groups based on their characteristics?
What are the defining features of the five kingdoms of life, and how do they differ from one another?
How do environmental changes impact the survival and distribution of various species within their habitats?