Welcome to Year 6
at St Anne’s Primary School

Welcome to Year 6!

Teacher - Mr Jenner - djenner@stannes.wirral.sch.uk

TA - Miss J Stock

The children in Year 6 class have a great curiosity and a readiness to learn.

They are always kind, always ready and always safe.

We are excited for all of our topics this year and we feel very lucky to be able to share their final year here at St Anne’s Primary with them. 

English - Aut 2 - We will be exploring the book Can we save the Tiger? Using this text we will investigate the problems tiger’s face in the outside world and how this impacts their critically endangered status.
We will then choose a critically endangered animal of our choice, research and then write a hybrid information text about this animal.

Spelling - Aut 2 - Spellings will be issued weekly, based on patterns the children have learned on the Monday. These need to be practised throughout the week.

There are also additonal spelling patterns I would like the children to revise if possible, these are found here:

Maths - Aut 2 - We will continue to follow the White Rose scheme of work curriculum overview. This half term we will be addressing:

  • 4 operations - multiplication and division

  • fractions - applying 4 operations also compare and contrast fractions with eachother.

Other topics

Geography - Africa - We will study Africa as a continent and then we will focus on certain countries from each region to explorte the diversity of the continent.

Art - We will be studying Gsutav Klimt

Computing - Data & Information – Introduction to spreadsheets

PE - Gymnastics - Every Thursday with Mr Barnes. Please ensure we have appropriate clothing for indoor gymnastics.

RE - The Transforming Spirit - We will be studying what happened at the Ascension, how the Holy Spirit worked through the Apostles, what happened at the Pentecost and how the popes are all succesors of St Peter.

Science - Electricity - children will be immersed in the world of electrivity and will answer - How does electricity make our lives easier?

SATs Revision